Check this !!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cairn Energy-BUY

Recently a freind of mine who works as an analyst in ubs forwarded me their coverage on cairn energy.Its an interesting report and if cairn comes out with numbers as per UBS estimates-Expect huge upsides on the counter.

Scripscan:Cairn india ltd
Traded in:Nse-bse

[Cairn india ltd news,views and analysis/Oil exploration company/turning it on/buy call given by ubs/major beneficary of high crude oil prices/upcoming results/great future prospects/going to do wonders/target price/Hidden gem/Great bet to own/what to do with cairn energy ltd?]

Upgrading to Buy on revision of UBS crude oil prices:We upgrade our rating on Cairn India to Buy (from Sell) and price target to Rs374 (from Rs246) on the back of the upward revision to UBS forecasts for crude oil price. UBS revised the oil price forecasts for all years from CY08 and including the long-term forecast. Given our new explicit oil price forecasts till CY12, we believe the current price reflects a long-term oil price of only $48/bbl.

UBS raises the oil price forecasts including long-term forecast:UBS has raised the oil price forecast to US$ 113.5/120/116/135/155 per barrel in 2008/09/10/11/12 respectively primarily driven by the expectation of supplies falling short of demand substantially pulling down spare capacities. UBS has also raised its long-term oil forecast from $73/bbl to $95/bbl from 2013, on the expectations of higher cost inflation in key upstream projects and GlobalOilCo.

Raising earnings estimates for Cairn India:Driven by the new higher forecasts for crude oil, we raise the earnings estimates for Cairn India in CY08/09/10 by 209%/110%/73% to Rs 1.4/14.0/74.6 respectively. We do not revise any of our assumptions on productions costs in doing so.

Valuation:We change our rating to Buy and raise our target price to Rs 374. Our price target is based on our NAV estimate for Cairn India's E&P assets. We use a DCF to value CIL's stake in Rajasthan, Ravva and Cambay blocks. For the remainder of CIL's assets, we use EV ($)/boe. We also factor in exploration upside by assuming net unrisked reserves of 550 mmboe adjusted by a risk weight of 20%.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Market outlook and Ennore coke-The new kid on the block

[Near term market outlook/cheap and attractive valuations/Investors make money traders loose money bigtime/stock tips to mulitply your money/sensex to hit 10000 levels?]

Market Outlook:So what should investors do now? I believe that the recent correction from 17,600+ levels was very much warranted, the fact that this was primarily a liquidity-driven rally, and was, in many cases,totally out of sync with ground realities.Therefore, with the correction,i have become much more comfortable with the valuations that many stocks are now trading at. At the end of the day, am of the belief that over the long-term, stock prices move in tandem with fundamentals.Therefore, the best way to make money in equities is to invest in fundamentally strong companies having good management capabilities, a strong market positioning and good future prospects. Most importantly, of course, buy such stocks at good valuations, of which there are many stocks at current levels. At the end of the day, it is the process of investing that will multiply your money in the long-term. Happy investing!

[Ennore Coke Ltd news,views and analysis/small player/results/future prospects/bagged orders/Analsyt buy call/valuations/ fundamentals and technicals of Ennore Coke Ltd/can be a great buy if performs/Target price/penny stock idea/multibagger potential/coke play/sunrising business/belongs from the sriram group/What should be done with Ennore Coke Ltd]

Scripscan:Ennore Coke Ltd

Story:-The new coke kid is on the block for you guys now.Ennore coke is an unique story and has already been a great favourite to some operators.The scrip in the present market condition fell drastically from the recent highs of 70 rs.Some times back the company has been taken over by great business minded guys having long experience in the coal and coke trade business.Now it belongs to the 16000crs shriram group.If market rumuors are to be beleived then the company is going to do wonders in the coming days.The buzz in the bourses is that the company is going to report a turnover of over 30crs from nothing last year.The Raw material (Prime Quality metallurgical coal) supply has been tiedup with a foreign company.The company has also signed a MOU with Eco securities Mumbai for Carbon credits.The coke prices is expected to reach new highs which is expected to provide further push to the bottomline of the company.Since there are not many direct coke plays many investors are betting on it as a steel end-user proxy play.Though it should be keenly watched how the things materilizes but already the company seems to be finding lot of takers among the investors fraternity.So if you have got a brave heart filled with lot of risks apetite,Go for it.

Simple thinking and simple suggestion for all

[Warren buffet story and tips/Whitney Tilson/broker tips/panic buying and selling/market volatility/diverse analyst views/udayan mukherjee and his stock market knowledge/Peter Bernstein/what to buy what to sell which time to buy and what no to buy/Arbitrage on Stocks permitted??/SBI - Is it good to enter for long term?/KLG CAPITAL SERVICES and its reason for huge upmove/When is 23000 level of sensex expected?]

Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with the 130 IQ.Once u have ordinary intelligence,what u need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing"-Warren Buffet.
Coming from the legendary investor,this piece of advice should serve as the guiding post for all those who want to be successful investors in equities.The world"s most successful investor believes that emotions play a major role in influencing investors into making grave errors which are then compounded by taking further rash actions.This creates the kind of market fluctuation that we are now witnessing.

Sometimes back i read an article, i assume its a couple of years ago when i was 17,it struck me a lot..It was by Whitney Tilson,which said "Peter Bernstein in "Against the Gods" states that evidence reveals repeated patterns of irrationality,inconsistency and incompetence in the ways human beings arrives at a decisions and choices when faced with uncertainty.

It means that when we are faced with uncertainty,like in the stock markets where different opinions exists,the decision making is often irrational and inconsistent and such errors are most likely repeated by individuals. While after every debacle most investors seems to believe that they have now learnt their lesson,but many of them repeats the same mistakes.

Almost everyone in the equity markets makes huge mistakes.They often buy dud stocks,Invests on rumours despite knowing that it is not advisable,refuse to sell when prices fall etc.Examples are in numberable check in our very own orkut stocks community itself.However only those who are able to avoid repeating their mistakes are ones who succeeds.Such individuals are very,very few.This also reinforces the buffet advice that it does not need extra brilliance to make profitable investment decisions but it needs a lot of discipline.

I know these article of mine would find a lot of people who would be influenced after going through the full coverage.But to be very frank and honest most would find it like an ind ultion.Still i am making these points because i believe that we are headed for volatile times in equity markets over the next few months.Even a bit of discipline and caution may prove to be a world of good for all.Times would come where investors would be torn between fundamentals and strong newsflow.High crude prices,over expensive valuations,FII trend will create uncertainty.The indices could swing wildly as bulls and bears will slug it out according to their faith.

Amidst all this,investors could swing between extremes of panic buying and selling.In such times,it would be important to remember Buffets"s advice."Avoid herd mentality and keep your own counsel.

Extra labouring over market volatility,diverse analyst opinions and unsolicited broker advice would confuse investors.It would be important that they maintain balance and avoid panic reactions while buying or selling.

Several ways of picking stocks

[Several ways of picking stocks in indian stock markets/value investors and growth investors/fundamental approach and technical analysis/Who is managing the company/where the sensex company stands/bottom of market/Market Rumour/inflation numbers/Technical Analysis of Market with Charts/TRADING IN DELISTED SHARE SCRIPTS /sensex at 10000,SHANKAR SHARMA SAYS SO/what is GARP investing/How market can recover ???/motley Fool"s theory/what is discounted cash flow/PE and PEG ratio/dividend yield of the company/how to choose a company/current assets and current liabilities/how wealth can be created/bse,nse,nifty/how long will bear market continue/personal finance and investments/human psycology and irrational behaviour/relation between trader and investor,earnings growth and dividend yield]

When one thinks of personal finance and investments,stock is the first thing which strikes the mind for quick accumulation of wealth.Its quite explicable the first love for stocks as stock market is the most exilerating place to delve in.If any one stands at the Flore of the stock markets and observe the scrolling up and down of stocks,he may feel of the anxiety surrounding in its environment.But on the financial merry-go-round rise,we all want to experience the ups without the downs.

Though,the world of stocks sounds interesting and pleasing,yet,it would be unwise to jump into these without any knowledge or understanding of the subject.Here i will explore the stock picking techniques based on the tested and pr oven theories of investments.The criteria for the selection of stocks are based on so many factors that it is nearly impossible to construct a formula that will predict success.There is no watertight system,which assure you arriving at a rate of interest that is greater than the markets overall average.

At this point,you may ask yourself why stock picking is so important.Why worry so much about it?Why spend hours doing it?The answer is simple-Wealth.A good stock picker can increase his personal wealth exemplarily.Mind you even your"s truly of 19 years has struggled a lot over the years in applying theories in stock picking.

Any stock is picked on the basis of company's creditability over a period of time.The quantitative aspects of a company,such as profits,balance sheets and report on its agm are easy enough to find.However one can never guess on the qualitative aspects of any company such as company's staffs,its competitive advantages,its reputation and so on?One ma find such sort of in formations highly intangible that cannot be measured.The divergence between tangible and intangible aspects of any company makes the task of stock picking highly off-centered and instinctive process.

Human element is considered to be highly irrational and when this human element gets involved into the volatile stock markets,it can turn out to be a highly dangerous place to play on the bourses.Emotions are an integral part of human element,which are highly unpredictable just like the bourses on the bourd.And when emotions becomes overbearing it can turn the confidence into fear.During such time,it is the emotions only which can either make one flourish or devastate depending upon his state of mind.

The credential of any company is known by its management and the way it functions.Ultimately,it is the people at the strategic decision making positions determines the fate of any company.A strong management plays a crucial factor in the success or failure of any company.To assessthe strength of management and company,investors can simply ask the standard five stuffs-Who,where,what,when and why.

Who is managing the company?
You must know about the management structure of the company and also must keep a close eye on the persons positioned in that structured.If you opt for a company which has got college dropout aspirants like me decent trouble awaits you for sure.Lolz,jokes apart.Do a proper research work about who is the companys ceo,cfo etc.The educational qualification and professional experiences of the people appointed at the highest position in the company must also be verified.The purpose behind is to see whether they are competent enough for the post held by them.

What the company does and how it makes money?
Another important factor to consider about while analyzing a company"s qualitative factors is it products and services.Whats the actually activity of a company?In other words,the company earns its profits from which source?Knowing how a company's activities will be profitable is fundamental to determining the worth of an investment.Try to explore the growth potential of the company.Any customary company in a great industry can provide a solid return,while in a poor industry it is likely to shrink your portfolio.Market share is another important factor.Assessing a company from a qualitative standpoint and determining whether you should invest in it are as important as looking at its sales and earnings.

Where the company stands?
An important factor to look upon-where the company is standing within the industry.Whether the company have any positive points that provides an edge to the company over its competitors.A company's fundamental helps one to pick up a good stock as it enables to find out the "intrinsic value of any company.If the intrinsic value is more than the current share price,your analysis is showing that the stock is worth more than its price and that makes sense to buy the stock.

When does the management take decision?
Now what is the philosophy of management?It is the style in which management intend to manage the company.You can get a glimpse of the style of management by looking at its past performances or going through the annual report"s MD&A section.If a company is showing negative results,one of the actions taken is management restructuring.Which is often termed as "change in management structure" due to poor results.But if a company performs continuously poor then its a warning sign to switch over to other investment options.Altough restructuring may be due to the poor performance of the management,it does not necessarily mean that the company is going through a downfall.Management restructuring might be a positive sign,which shows that the company is endeavouring hard to change its outlook for good cause.

Finally,an investor must investigate over the capabilities of managers appointed t decision making levels.Never hesitate to ask questions like does this person's the qualities you believe are needed to make someone a good manager for this company?Has he or she has been hired because of past successes and achievements or has he or she acquired the position through questionable means,such as self appointment after inheriting the company?

Merely knowing the strength of company and its management is not enough to guarantee a success in investing.There are certain theories to be looked upon before taking any final decision.If any decision is taken without considering these theories and principles,the investor may end up with losses.

Greater fool"s theory
A company is worth the sum of its discounted cash flows.This means that a company is worth all of its future profits added together.Though several analysts evaluate it by their own means but to me its just what got defined now.Now its up to you to go with me-the teenager kid or not.Anyways the continuation of DCF-These future profits must be discounted to account for the time value of the money.One of the assumption of the DCF theory is that people are rational,nobody would buy a business for more than its future DCF.Since a stock represent ownership in a company,this assumption applies to the stock markets.Now you may ask,why do then stocks exhibit volatile movements as it doesn't make sense for stock price to fluctuate so much when the intrinsic value is not changing every minute?Well the the fact is that many people do not view stocks as represention of DCFs,but as trading vehicles.Misanthropists have labelled it as the "Greater fool"s theory".Since the profit on a trade is not determined by a company's value but about speculating whether you can sell it to some other investor(the fool.On the other hand,the trader would say that investors relying solely on fundamentals are leaving themselves on the mercy of the market instead of observing the trend and the tendencies.

Value investing:-
Stocks carrying strong fundamentals attract value investors the most.A strong fundamental may include earnings,dividends,book value and cash flow-that are selling at a bargain price,given their quality.Value investing doesn't mean just buying any stock that fall off and therefore seems"bargain basement priced".Vale investors have to do their homework and be confident that they are picking a company that is cheap given its high quality.A value investors considers the supremacy of a company to double up his profits.He believes in forseeing the company's potential rather making profit through trading.He does not care much about the external factors affecting the company but determines the worth of the underlying value of its assets.The factors like market volatility or day to day price fluctuations are not coherent to the company and therefore are not seen to have any effect on the value of the business in the long run.

While the efficient market hypothesis claims that prices are always reflecting all relevant information therefore are already showing the intrinsic worth of the companies,value investing relies on a premise that opposes that theory.Value investors also disagree with the principle that high beta necessarily translates into a dicey investment.A high beta does not scare off value investors.As long as they are confident in their intrinsic valuation,an increase in downside volatility may be a good thing.

Growth investing:-
Growth investing could be defined By contrasting it to value investing.Value investors look for stocks that are trading for less than their apparent worth.Growth investors focus on the future potential of a company,with much less emphasis on its present price.Unlike value investors,growth investors opt for companies which are trading higher than their intrinsic worth-but this is done with the belief that the company's intrinsic worth will grow and therefore will exceed their current valuations.Growth investors are concerned with a company's future growth potential,but there is no absolute formula for evaluating this potential.Growth investors use certain methods or criteria as a framework for their analysis,but these methods must be applied with a company's particular situation in mind.

The first question a growth investor should ask is whether the company,based on annual revenue,has been growing in the past.Projected 5 year growth rate of at least 15-20%,although 25% or more is ideal for investors like me.These projections are made by analysts,the company or other credible sources.When a growth investor sees an ideal growth projection,he or she before trusting this projection,must evaluate its creditability.This requires knowledge of the typical growth rates for different sizes of companies.There are many examples of companies with staggering growth in sales but less than stupendous gains in profits.High annual revenue growth is good,but if EPS has not increased proporitinately,its likely due to a decrease in profit margin.By putting side by side a company's present profit margins to its past profit margins and its competitor profit margins,a growth investor is able to gauge quite accurately whether or not management is controlling costs and revenues and maintaining margins.A good rule of thumb is that if a company surpasses its previous five year average of pre-tax profit margins as well as those of its industry,the company may be a good growth candidate.

Screening for value stocks
Altough value stocks can be located anywhere,they are often located in industries that have recently fallen on hard times or are currently facing market overreaction to a piece of news affecting the industry in the short term.Keep in mind that these are the guidelines used by value investors and these are not hard and fast rules.

Share price should be no more than 2/3 of intrinsic worth.
Look at companies with PE ratios at the lowest 10% of all equity securities.
PEG should be less than 1
Stock price should be no more than tangible book value
There should be no more debt than equity(D/E Ratio<1)
Current assets should be 2 times current liabilities
Dividend yield should be at least 2/3 of the long term AAA bond yield.
Earnings growth should be at least 8% per annum compounded over the last 8-10 years

The PE and PEG ratios
Value investing is not simply about investing in low PE stocks.Its just that stocks that are underrated will often reflect through a low PE ratio,which should simply provide a way to draw a distinction between companies within the same industry.Another popular gauge for valuing a company's intrinsic worth is the PEG ratio.It is calculated as stocks PE ratio divided by its projected year-over-year earnings growth rate.In other words,the ratio measures how cheap the stock is while taking into account its earnings growth.If the company's PEG ratio is less than 1,it is considered to be undervalued and is a growth pick for value investor.

An investor should also use margin of safety concept which is simply the practice of leaving room for error in the calculations of intrinsic worth.If the stocks intrinsic value were lower than that of what the investor estimates,the margin of safety should avert investor from paying too much of the stock.

In the nutshell,an investor should try to look at basic principles of investment and should not be carried away by biases like windfall gain but rather concentrate on the company's fundamentals,its management and other theories guiding towards right investment.

Remember that’s its your money at stake-so pick stocks wisely.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Southern Online Bio Technologies:-Perform or perish

Scripscan:Southern Online Bio Technologies Ltd
Bse code:532669

[Southern Online Bio Technologies Ltd news,views and analysis/small internet and biodiesel player/results/future prospects/bagged orders/Analsyt buy call/high valuations/ fundamentals and technicals of southern online bio/can be a great buy if performs/Target price/What should be done with Southern Online Bio Technologies Ltd]

Story:They say, more than a tonne of dirt needs to be shifted to find every single carat of diamond. The same applies to the vast universe of small companies.It is a daunting proposition to sift through an endless list of sectors and industries in the hope of hitting on some gems.The stock which am gonna discuss today has been hyped immensely as the next star performer.So lets check it out buddies:-

Company:Southern online biotech has been providing a wide spectrum of services, which includes basic services like Internet access, E-mail and value added services such as Add on hours.The Company presently provides Internet Services as a Licensed ISP by connecting through Bharti Broadband Backbone,.The Company's services include the following:

* Dial up Services through PSTN
* Web Hosting
* Server Co-Location
* VOIP Services
* Leased Line services (Terrestrial and RE links)
* Dedicated Servers
* Networking Solutions

BIODIESEL PROJECT:The Company's Biodiesel Unit has been established at Samsthan Narayanpur Village & Mandal, Nalgonda District with 40,000 liters per day capacity with an investment of Rs.25.72 crores and the the Company has commenced the sale of Biodiesel from july last year.It has been supplying biodiesel to various well reputed customers like IDEA Cellular, L&T, Airtel, Kirloskar Oil Engines, Toyota Kirloskar, TNT Express couriers, Giatech, Southern Rocks & Minerals etc,.The Company has further plans to upgrade the current Biodiesel unit from 12500 TPY to 25000 TPY,over a period of 3 years.It is also planning to set up a unit of 250 Tons per day capacity at Vizag to have presence in the Global markets.The project cost of the proposed Biodiesel plant is Rs. 75.00 Cr.

Now a question is inevitable,Yeh "BIODIESEL" kya hota hain bhai?
Ans)Well Biodiesel (methyl esters) is a renewable liquid fuel produced from new or used vegetable oils or animal fats.It is typically made by a chemical process called esterfication, transesterification which relies on an alcohol, such as methanol, and a catalyst. It can also be made from Pongamia,Jatropha, cottonseed, peanut, canola (a variety of rapeseed),sunflower oils, waste animal fats,and used cooking oil.

Conclusion:Southern online bio has been quite consistent over the last 5 years as far its topline and bottomline is concerned.The company is striving for more with its full strength.Sales may bloster further but margin pressure would countine to remain.I doubt whether there are more unique plays like southern online bio.An interesting company operating in the field of two sunrising sectors with huge potential.But it should be prudent to note that bio-diesel is still a huge hyper and many small companies which were touted to be dark horses came and at present are struggling for their existence.Dollex,ascent exim,ikf to name a few such companies.It has bagged some recent orders for its biodiesel stuffs and it expects to bag few more in the coming days.On the internet and its allied business i doubt its ability to compete and cope with much bigger players.So risk and returns both seems to be looming large on the company.Only thing which can shape it up in the coming years would be the management"s vision and ther calculated efforts,if any at all.Dilution of equity is again something which am never comfortable talking of but its in nascent stages of a huge boom period,so i give my nod on it.Its of no doubt that because of the potential and prospects,Southern online bio would always be in the reckoning and will find its place in the portfolio of several risk savvy takers but performing bigtime in the bourses may only happen after the deliveration of robust set of numbers.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Carnation Nutra Analogue Foods:-Make your portfolio a healthy 1

ScripScan:Carnation Nutra Analogue Foods

[Carnation Nutra Analogue Foods news,views and analysis/owner of nutralite brand/results/future prospects/acquired by cadilla/Analsyt buy call/cheap and attractive valuations/Solid fundamentals/great buy/Target price/What should be done with carnation nutra]

Background:Carnation Nutra is a company belonging to the Cadila Group. Cadila Group acquired the compny and thereafter came out with an open offer in the month of May 06at a price of Rs.150 per share.Cadila group currently owns 61% equity in the company.

Introduction:Carnation Nutra Analogue Foods is a manufacturer of table margarine, which sells under the brand Nutralite.Nutralite is the largest selling margarine in India with a market share of 60%.Margirine is made from refined vegetable oils and is priced comparatively cheaper to butter.Hence,making it an attractive option for general masses.Further,Nutralite can replace butter in all applications and can be used for cooking, baking, frying, and as a spread on bread, toasts, biscuits etc. Hence, there are tremendous growth prospects for the product. Carnation is targeting urban health conscious middle class segment. The company is also operating in regular diary products like butter, processed cheese & pizza cheese.As of today the margarine market is very small in India and whatever growth has achieved by the company is with zero advertising.Now the company has started aggressive marketing campaign of Nutralite including advertising on various Television Channels and distribution of samples of Nutralite free with packs of Sugar Free.

Outlook:The company has a nation-wide presence & has the second largest market share in up-markets of Maharashtra, Delhi & Gujarat after Amul.As the health awareness among Indian populace is at a never before high, the product has also shown extreme consumer interest which is only expected to increase from here.It has a strong distribution across India with several distributors.Carnation is also considering exports aimed at Middle East & African nations.

Conclusion:The market for Margirine is extremely tiny compared to butter and that will help it to register exponential growth in the years to come.The company is a debt-free entity.Carnation nutra has shown strong consitency in its topline and bottomline over the last many years.The management is aiming for a more than 80% bottomline jump in the current fiscal.The company is expected to continue with its robust growth in the coming years.Valuations at the current level looks cheap with a forward 09 P/E ratio of around 6.5.Everbody is aware of the cadila"s product "Sugar free",there is every reason cadila with its brand building experience can set the same stage for nutralite. So considering at the solid pedigree,bright prospects,huge growth,booming industry,ambitious initiatives,export potential,CARNATION NUTRA MAY JUST PROVE TO BE THE NEXT BIG THING.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ridiculious stuffs of stock markets

[Indian stock markets and normal behavior of people/huge targets for nothing/Multibaggers/Quiting from market/How to make up the huge losses/which company to buy/what are the prospects of sensex companies/Psus safe bets/Good dividend yield paying companies/learn and earn/make your fortune from stock markets/never blame our markets/you are responsible for all your losses]

Below given are some funny stuffs noted by me.Most are happening words of general investors though the majority fails to make any head or tails out of them.So here we go:-

1)Buy the "Script"-One of the age-old word which undoubedtly got chanted a billion times and am sure the reader reading it now has got it wrong too.Its "SCRIP" buddies and not a 'script'-We dont talk about films during the utterence of that word rite?Then why the hell that wrong word gets pronounced time and again?Grow up people.

2)Guy gives a target of 20% up and says it to be a "Multibagger"-Another ridiculios stuff which i noticed a hell lot of times.Multi means 5 so therefore a multibagger is a 5 bagger-100 to 500 for a scrip is a multibagger but 100 to 120 as that guy assigned is a mere outperformer.At most, it can be said to be a scrip with a multibagger potential nothing else.So make sure you make the multibagger word applicable again only when it has got the potential to be so.

3)Target 1000 present price 80 duration 6 months-Very common 'proverb' though the price and the duration can vary from person to person.Now tell me why do you beleive such stuffs?If the guy giving the call was so confident then he wouldnt have bothered to pass the call to you-He in no time would have sold his everything for the sake of having a chunk of that counter,isnt it?Kind peoples are hard to get folks, its a selfish world.Make sure you dont get into such absured stuffs.

4)[Notional gain of 5000-Isse kya hoga][Notional loss of 1000-Main Barbad hogaya]-Lolz-Just giggled,breathed now let me procced on.How many of you posses that quality?Not satisfied irrespective of how big the profits are,very depressed with tiny losses.Also, Please remember notional profits or losses are just profits/losses on books,its not been realized yet.So till you book the profit or loss just shut your mouth.hehehe........

5)I am leaving the market,how many of you are following me-Its a fresh recent topic i saw in a social networking website.You have sold everything that you owned and you are on with your 'outrageous' speeches.These are pretty obvious stuffs after getting poundings on your stock market commitments.But just give it a thought-You have invested,done all the hard works,got into a decent company which is set to perform big time but mayhem came amidst and rattled the markets-Your company nosedived as just people like you panicked and exited without giving it a second look.Why to sell and why to leave?After darkness comes the day,dar ke age jeet hain-wont these words come to your mind?.If you are suffereing from heavy losses its only because of your own fault.Never blame the markets...mind it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pioneer Embroideries:-Going to rock soon

Scripscan:-Pioneer Embroideries Ltd
Return expected:115%
Duration:9-12 months

[Pioneer Embroideries Ltd news,views and analysis/ Retail venture news and real estate/owner of hakoba brand/results/future prospects/Land bank/Analsyt buy call/cheap and attractive valuations/Solid fundamentals/great buy/Target price/What should be done with Pioneer Embroideries Ltd?]

Story:Pioneer Embroideries Limited (PEL) is one of the largest players in the embroideries Et laces segment in the world.It is also India's largest manufacturer-exporter of embroideries and bobbin laces.It has got seven embroidery manufacturing units located at Mumbai, Sarigam, Naroli, Haryana, Bangalore, Navi Mumbai and Coimbatore.The company has been struggling to put on good results due to higher interst and depriciation costs but overall the turnover has been on a continuos rise.Now i like the story mostly becuase it has got a big retail and a small real estate presence.For the real estate segment the company has already signed a development agreement with Suntech Realty and it’s coming up in Borivali,Mumbai.It has also got real estates in Bangalore, in Coimbatore,Delhi and few other places as well.Plenty of you have heard the name of the retail store"Hakoba" isnt it?Its a subsidary of the company and is called Hakoba Lifestyle Limited where it owns 85% and 15% being with BCCL.The company presently has 64 outlets in 35 cities of india.The company is planning to increase the retail stores to 200 by fy09.The retail segment contributed 43crs of reveue in fy07 and the same is expected to increase at a tremendous speed going forward.At present prices of 70rs its market cap should be around 84crs.The mumbai property alone is worth 50crs,if i add up all the real estates the same would total up to 70-75crs.The company is the leader in its field with 7 manufacturing units, so the rest of the market cap gets added there.So what about the 200 hakoba stores by 09?Chow guys...You are getting them for free...64 outlets generated 43crs of much 200 stores can?Put up the calculator and calculate coz in the scrip price of 70 it hasnt been calculated yet.Go for it guys.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Indian stock markets:-Increase Your Conviction buddies

[Indian stock markets/Sensex nifty crashes/all companies to double in 1 month/Looks good on the charts/Company has got an order/They are planning an expansion and diversification/Won some export orders/Big Bull and big operator is buying/rakesh jhunjhunwala and manekar buying into it/CDR/OTS done/Going for GDR/FCCB/market has bottomed or not/brokers suggestion/Double your money from free stock tips]

So Sensex over the last few months crashed from 21,200 to a level of 15,500 now, all investors have lost money like never before.The more the money one had made in this bull run, the bigger the hit one has taken because appetite for risk also went up. People kept on putting more money as the market went up. But this time, magnitude was much bigger, profits were huge and so were the losses.Most investors are set back by 18-24 months.

However, all doomsayers who are predicting markets to crash to 10000 level would prove wrong and as i anticipate markets would stabilize at 14500-15000 levels. However,investors should lower their expectations and should not expect same bumper returns as in 2006-07.Moreover,there may be profit booking at every rise.Partly, investors are also to be blamed for picking stocks at any price (upon hearsay) without looking at fundamentals of the company or at the valuations.This time, investors should try to avoid following mistakes:

1)It will double in 1 month:If it were so, why tipster will tell you to make so much money?Instead, he himself will beg,borrow or steal to have enough money and buy entire quantity of such scrip for himself.

2)Looks good on the chart:Intraday or short term traders may sometimes make money on this basis.However,it is a strict No No for long term investors.One should remember that no business enterprise runs on charts.Hence, how business of share investing can run on charts?

3)Company has got an order:One should verify what is the execution period of such an order, when and how much it will contribute to company's topline and bottomline? Sometimes,bigger the order,lower the profit margin.

4)They are planning an expansion:Expansion of production capacity necessarily does not mean expansion of bottomline also.Whether big investment in new capacity will yield judicious returns?Whether there is enough demand to meet expanded capacity? In the past,many big companies became BIFR case after their mad expansion.

5)Won some export orders:Such order will constitute how much of total turnover in percentage terms?Did management clarify whether export orders are more remunerative or less remunerative?Export orders do not necessarily translate into higher profits.

6)Big Bull is buying:Did they ever tell you what big bull is selling?

7)Big Operator is buying:By the time such news reaches you,such operator has already turned into a seller and most probably,you are buyer of his sold quantities.

8)CDR/OTS:In many many cases,companies became significant due to siphoning off funds by the promoters.What is the guarantee that promoters will not again siphon off the funds after CDR?Many companies became CDR case due to inefficiencies and they will continue to remain inefficient even after CDR.

CDR means better future for those companies which were genuinely suffering due to bad market conditions and promoters have genuine reputation.However, investors tend to pick any CDR case company without realizing that perhaps this was the only CDR case in that industry in which most other companies were faring well.

9)Going for GDR/FCCB: Most of the company's stock price falls sharply after GDR/FCCB issue.It clearly shows that share price was being ramped up before such issue.Hence, investors should avoid to buy such scrips at peak valuations just before GDR.

10)Brokers tells you to average the scrip.It is advisable to average the scrip only if price has come down due to bad sentiment.However, in many cases, price is coming down due to expected lower performance in view of which lay investor is not aware. It is like betting again and again, more and more on a losing horse.Instead, investors can make up for their mistakes by investing additional money only in some other companies which are doing better.

No one can exactly say whether market has bottomed or not? Investors should see whether the market will be higher than current level 6 to 12 month hence. If answer is yes, start investing.

Equity is a long term instrument and if there is nothing wrong with the Indian companies you want to invest in, or the Indian economy and country as a whole, and if market is going down due to technical factors, investors should not panic, and wait.If, some FII are selling today,tomorrow, other FII will come to buy. There is no problem for long term investors.We should change our views only if fundamentals change.

Finally, if, Indian economy is doing well and if Indian Equities are attractive,I feel that it is not due to Rahu-Ketu (politicians-bureaucrats) but INSPITE of them. Things are happening due to perseverance, intelligence, tolerance, hardwork and ambition of Indian citizens who deserve the real credit for nation building.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

All about the bull markets and prospects of indian stock markets

Indian stock markets and the prospects of it.

[Indian stock markets and the bull run/how long will the bull run continue/any chances of a bear market/correction in the stock markets/sectors which can perform in the coming days/reforms and the consequences/expensive valuation of the indian stock markets/growth slowing down/monsoon,Liquidity and growth factor/Which are the stock to go for/high gdp growth may not continue/consolidation phase likely/future of the indian stock market/when would the next bull run begin]

Many factors responsible for investors' interest in India are now rapidly receding. After my “Nightmare” article, most people consider me far too cynical and old-fashioned for this raging bull market. Trying to understand my own biases, I felt it would be useful to try and trace the origins of this bull run.

If one goes back to Feb-March 2003, that would in my mind mark the beginning of the current bull cycle from where the market has already given more than 700% over the past 60 months. If one were to accept this as the starting point, how were the conditions then, which enabled this bull run?

First of all, the markets in 2003 were very, very cheap, trading at just about 10 times earnings (an all-time low), interest rates had bottomed and there was tremendous surplus capacity available with Indian industry. Industry had also spent 3-4 years prior to 2003 getting its cost position aligned with global benchmarks, and was thus lean, mean and
well-positioned for any up tick in business. Commodity prices were also just beginning to rise.

Basically everything was set for a huge surge in earnings if economic growth were to accelerate (operating leverage), and this is exactly what happened. We had excellent monsoons in 2003-04, and GDP growth accelerated to over 8 per cent, corporate earnings rocketed, rising by over 40 per cent and the return on equity (RoE) and the return on capital employed (RoCE) expanded as corporate India was able to use its idle capacity.

The strong growth in earnings, coupled with rising RoEs and strong free cash flow attracted the attention of investors globally. These trends were only further reinforced in till end 0f 2007 as economic growth remained strong and corporate earnings vibrant. The strong commodity price environment of the past 5-6 years further reinforced these trends.

Thus, one aspect of the bull story has been the good news on earnings and RoEs, coupled with very cheap valuations. India had the highest earnings growth and RoEs in the emerging markets universe.

The second aspect of the bull run was the feeling in mid-2003 of the country beginning to move in the right direction in terms of economic policies and reforms. This was the period when the previous NDA government was seen to be at its most effective..

We had hopes of serious progress on the power front, with the passing of the Electricity Act and the privatisation of distribution in Delhi. The template to solving the country's power woes seemed to have been established. On roads and private sector involvement in ports, there was tremendous progress. The progress and belief in economic reforms accelerating the growth trajectory of the country were the second part of this bull story. That India had begun its journey to fulfil its economic destiny was a common belief.

The third part of this bull cycle is related to trends in global liquidity and the general move of investors towards emerging markets. Strong global liquidity encouraged investors to look for returns wherever they could find them, and India's price momentum was self-reinforcing.

Now if we examine each of these points today, we get a very different picture.

First, on valuations. Trading at 16-18 times earnings, the markets in India are no longer cheap (among the most expensive in the EM universe). Also it is my humble submission that given the slew of capex announcements and fund raisings, RoEs and RoCEs have peaked for corporate India.

Most of the idle capacity available has been used and growth from here needs companies to set up new capacity. Interest rates can only rise and operating leverage diminish.

Thus, even if GDP growth were to remain strong, the pace of corporate earnings will slow and they can no longer grow at 3-4 times nominal GDP.

Free cash flows for corporate India have already turned negative. Slowing earnings, falling RoEs, and declining free cash flow are normally a recipe for P/E contraction, not expansion.

On the reforms front, the less said the better. Not a single item mentioned previously in this article has been implemented or has any chance of being implemented by the UPA alliance. I cannot understand how anyone can genuinely believe that India has entered a new era of 8.5-9 per cent plus GDP growth in the absence of progress on power reforms and
labour laws, and other structural impediments..Maybe being a lad of 19 am too young to understand all the reforms but I don’t feel I have mistaken much.

If this government does not get its act together on electricity, roads, railways, airports, etc. these infrastructure constraints are bound to eventually short-circuit growth. Does any investor truly believe this government will be able to attack the structural constraints holding back industry?

On the liquidity front also, the party cannot last for ever. Emerging markets have had five good years in relative terms and could easily reverse. Global interest rates are poised to rise and FII inflows into India are at unsustainable levels.

This bull run began with very cheap markets, strongly accelerating earnings, rising RoEs, and the hope that the country was on the right track in terms of structural reforms. The external liquidity environment was also very supportive for investors to buy into a long-term story like India.

Most of these factors have now reversed. Yet the bulls expect markets to keep rising. A period of consolidation is the best case outcome to my mind.I should admit that it was only in 2002 when I was 13 years of age-I entered the world of corporates,the stock market world.The journey has been thoroughly fascinating for me and as I am the only lad from my family in these world, every passing day has been exciting like never before.I have been growing slowly and learning from the markets,my followers and readers etc.Have had a great experience anyways in the midst of an important article shouldnt speak much shits...hhehee..Hopefully market should consolidate before making another big waves in the years to come...keep buying companies which can grow at 60%-80% CAGR for the coming years.I know its tought to find those but trust me they exists..most got covered in these blog of mine,more to find their places.Happy investing folks.

IOL Netcom:-Expectation hurts

Scripscan:IOL Netcom
My views:Read on
Traded in:Bse

[IOL Netcom news,views and analysis/IPTV and its effects/valuations expensive/pathetic results/target price/Bulk deals/Fii selling/Analyst buy call in Iol netcom/reason for the share fall/Future prospects/much better bets available]

Another company which hogs the limelight is undoubtedly IOL Netcom.The company basically provides the much hyped Internet Protocol Television (IPTV).It does so by setting up an IP based content provisioning system and feeding into the broadband networks of BSNL and MTNL.The scrip was fancied as the hottest buy with price targets ranging from 2000-5000rs.Iol had a dream run in the bourses- the counter moved from a level of 3rs in march 05 all the way to a stunning figure of 619 in july 07. Last night i got a mail from a follower of mine who pleaded to give a fundamental check of the company.So here it is:-

1)It hasnt got any owner or promoter,no owner stake nothing.I glanced through the shareholding pattern of the company only to discover huge chunk of holdings by some corporate bodies and Fiis.Now in my approach of stock picking i dont opt for companies with miniscule promoter holdings.I feel promoters do work harder when they have got a larger shareholding.The commitment increases the vision gets better and eventually they becomes the biggest beneficaries of a rise in stock prices.Without shares in your company why would the big guys work?No matter its making profits or losses you being thye host in your company would always draw fat salaries.Again uninspiring stuffs.

2)Monopoly business,stunning potential of the company-Agreed.But its so disgusting to notice the ever rising equity of the company.Every now and then it allots warrants and equity gets blotted.Balance sheet shows not much of debts,i wonder why they are so interested in enhancing the equity.I find no clue folks.Not inspiring at all.

3)I do recollect even some months ago, a buy recomendation from a high following personality in the counter gave this company a high mindshare among investors and, hence, higher expectations. Now when you dont cope up to the expectation you get the dues.Same has happened to the counter inspite of several positive factors the company has failed to deliver numbers infact they been terrible and pathtic.I fail to undestand with the company doing horrendously why investors park their money in the counter?.When you're looking into the abyss, you don't quibble over details isnt it?

4)Several analysts and firms initiated buy on the counter with rich targets.The company missed the revenue and profit target by an immense distance.Maybe the research firm and the analysts worked for some vested interest in the company.Its hi-time our regulator examines how such reports are conjured up to influence simple investors to have a stake in the counter.

In conclusion I can only say it has thoroughly failed to live up to investors expectations.Horrible results with losses increasing at a rapid speed.I reckon the Fiis which bought at a much higer price and exiting now are all P-note stuffs.Who is firing the gun behind the scenes in anyone”s guess. A bull market and hyped-up buy calls can cause even the most cautious among us to turn reckless, and it is useful to remember that you can always buy much better companies with decent promoter holding and robust results.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Aishwarya Telecom:-Dont deserve a price of 136rs

Scripscan:Aishwarya Telecom
June 1st CMP:100

[Aishwarya Telecom news,views and analysis/why to avoid/valuations expensive/works in little margin/target price/stay away and avoid/Single client dependency/Future prospects/much better bets available]

Aishwarya Telecom recently tapped the market and went on to high a of 136rs within few days of its listing.Its presently quoting at 100 rs,so is it worth an investment at present level?Read on.

Aishwarya Telecom is a ISO 9001:2000 Certified company manufacturing Mobile and Broadband Tester.

1)Basically the company has more of trading business.It imports the products from overseas players and the sells the same to its clients.The company has been in the sector for over a decade now but hasnt found the road easy to grow despite the massive demand for the sector.

2)The company gets majority of its revenue from the psu giant BSNL.Though it has been able to offer its product to other non psu companies but these are in very nascent stage.Aishwarya is relatively a small player with revenues of 30crs expected in the present fiscal 08.The company faces stiff competition from market leaders like Agilent Technologies,Rohde & Schwarz etc.It would be prudent to note that these companies have got a long decent relationship with most of the operators,so aishwarya with its small scale would find it tough to come superior to these companies and bag major orders.Also if those companies comes in india to to do business aishwarya may just find it too tough to survive.Looking at the sectorial boom and low cost nature of our country that remains a huge possibility.

3)At present prices of 100 odd its quoting at a PE multiple of 24 its expected 08 earnings.It can be compared with listed player like aplab which trades at a multiple of just 8.Further aplab is a 120crs turnover company with long existence.There are many more players available at a PE multiple of about 6-8 which are the manufacturer and having better pedigrees.Still those companies are struggling to attract better valuations.

4)Its of anyone"s guess that some operators build positions in the company, result being the high of 136rs after listing.Present huge volumes and flip in the price suggest that they are in a hurry to exit the counter.So if you have a position in the scrip better exit or else chances remains another junk stock may spoil your portfolio for a long period of time.