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Friday, June 27, 2008

Market outlook and Ennore coke-The new kid on the block

[Near term market outlook/cheap and attractive valuations/Investors make money traders loose money bigtime/stock tips to mulitply your money/sensex to hit 10000 levels?]

Market Outlook:So what should investors do now? I believe that the recent correction from 17,600+ levels was very much warranted, the fact that this was primarily a liquidity-driven rally, and was, in many cases,totally out of sync with ground realities.Therefore, with the correction,i have become much more comfortable with the valuations that many stocks are now trading at. At the end of the day, am of the belief that over the long-term, stock prices move in tandem with fundamentals.Therefore, the best way to make money in equities is to invest in fundamentally strong companies having good management capabilities, a strong market positioning and good future prospects. Most importantly, of course, buy such stocks at good valuations, of which there are many stocks at current levels. At the end of the day, it is the process of investing that will multiply your money in the long-term. Happy investing!

[Ennore Coke Ltd news,views and analysis/small player/results/future prospects/bagged orders/Analsyt buy call/valuations/ fundamentals and technicals of Ennore Coke Ltd/can be a great buy if performs/Target price/penny stock idea/multibagger potential/coke play/sunrising business/belongs from the sriram group/What should be done with Ennore Coke Ltd]

Scripscan:Ennore Coke Ltd

Story:-The new coke kid is on the block for you guys now.Ennore coke is an unique story and has already been a great favourite to some operators.The scrip in the present market condition fell drastically from the recent highs of 70 rs.Some times back the company has been taken over by great business minded guys having long experience in the coal and coke trade business.Now it belongs to the 16000crs shriram group.If market rumuors are to be beleived then the company is going to do wonders in the coming days.The buzz in the bourses is that the company is going to report a turnover of over 30crs from nothing last year.The Raw material (Prime Quality metallurgical coal) supply has been tiedup with a foreign company.The company has also signed a MOU with Eco securities Mumbai for Carbon credits.The coke prices is expected to reach new highs which is expected to provide further push to the bottomline of the company.Since there are not many direct coke plays many investors are betting on it as a steel end-user proxy play.Though it should be keenly watched how the things materilizes but already the company seems to be finding lot of takers among the investors fraternity.So if you have got a brave heart filled with lot of risks apetite,Go for it.

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